Tuesday, October 24, 2006

New MacBookPros

5.6 pounds??!! C'mon Apple! Get with the program. Even Samsung makes lighter laptops.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Camera Blues

Sorry - not many posts lately, because of taking additional teaching assignments. Let's see if I squeeze out a quick post.

I need to get a digital camcorder within a month, as I'm expecting my first born. I'm sort of settled upon and HD camera, and the models that seem the best buys for the money are the Sony HC3 and the (newer) Canon HV10. There are a couple of new Sony HD cameras just released (SR1, UX1) with better stats, but these things are way too big and heavy. To summarize the HC3 and HV10:

Cameras: HC3/HV10
Weight: ~ / +
Form Factor: + / -
Resolution : + / ++
HDMI out : + / -
Mike In : + / -
Stabilizer: - / +
English Menus: - / +
Price : ~ / ~
Low Light Mode : + / -
Analog PassThru : - / +
Menu Access: + / -